The Power of Support: EAP Essentials for Small HR Departments

By Kraig Kleeman

“An EAP in a small business? It’s like having a backstage pass in the rock concert of HR challenges—you get easier access to all the right solutions.” – Kraig Kleeman, CEO


Operating a small enterprise is akin to performing as a circus juggler, particularly when you are solely responsible for human resources tasks. My name is Kraig Kleeman. I established The New Workforce and occupy the role of Chief Executive Officer, dedicating my time to develop strategies that make small HR teams experience less isolation in their roles. In my opinion, one essential tool for every small business HR toolkit is the Employee Assistance Program, also known as EAP.

The Role of an HR Soloist

At The New Workforce, we explore thoroughly small businesses’ core, where it’s common for one HR person to handle multiple roles. Picture overseeing tasks ranging from recruitment and managing salaries to sorting out disagreements and organizing the company celebration. This is quite much, yes? Consider EAPs as reliable assistants for our HR champions.

Why EAPs are a Game Changer

In smaller environments, the health of each worker becomes more noticeable due to their important positions. Having an Employee Assistance Program is not only a good addition; it’s necessary. These programs offer a secure range of services such as counseling for mental health, guidance on legal matters, and assistance with financial planning, all in private. A client once shared with me that an EAP meeting assisted her in coping with stress when she was going through difficult moments at home; this positively changed her professional life since she could seek support without worrying about being judged.

What’s in the EAP Toolbox?

So, what exactly can you find in a well-stocked EAP? Plenty! Mental health services exist to support employees who have difficulties, there are financial advisory sessions that can prevent a crisis with personal money matters, and resources are available for handling the balance between work and life which we all find challenging at times.

Are Employees Actually Using It?

It can be difficult to encourage workers to make use of these facilities. Frequently, there is a negative perception or perhaps just a hesitant unwillingness to ask for assistance. To deal with this issue, it is essential to integrate the Employee Assistance Program deeply into your company’s culture. You should emphasize it when new employees join, put up notices in the relaxation area and perhaps share some stories (without names) about how EAPs have helped

The Real Value of EAPs

Are EAPs worth it? Absolutely. They are similar to keeping an umbrella in your car. You wish not to need it, but isn’t it wonderful when there is rain and you have one? They help your team stay strong in mind and feelings to deal with life’s challenges, which also helps your business run smoothly. True, the expenses might be difficult for a small company, but investing in it brings back value through employees who are more content and work better.

A Little Extra Something

I trust Employee Assistance Programs a lot because I have watched them do amazing things. They keep up a place where workers feel they have support, creating a solid base of trust. In my view, trust is the key element that transforms a collection of workers into a unified team.

To conclude, if your small enterprise has not implemented an EAP yet, think of this as a gentle push for you to explore them. They could be the help that you were unaware was necessary. In the ever-changing environment of small businesses, where even a small help counts greatly, an EAP is not only useful—it’s a smart decision to make certain that your team isn’t just getting by, but prospering.

About Kraig Kleeman

Kraig Kleeman is a highly successful entrepreneur, author, and showrunner. If his accomplishments and aspirations were to draw inspiration from natural icons, he could be described as a fusion of Elon Musk’s visionary approach to business and Mick Jagger’s electrifying stage presence. He possesses keen business acumen and a flair for captivating performances that awe audiences.

Kraig’s entrepreneurial spirit is boundless, as evidenced by his track record of founding a tech company and taking it from nothing to $30 million in sales under four years. His newest venture, The New Workforce, is growing by triple digits, quarter over quarter. While some may liken his abilities to a Midas touch, others prefer to think of it as transforming companies into profitable ventures instead of turning things into gold!