The Fine Art of Workload Juggling: How to Keep Your Team Engaged and Energetic

By Kraig Kleeman

Hey there, leaders and HR pros! Let’s talk about something: we all lose sleep over keeping our teams just the right amount busy. You know, alive enough to be buzzing with energy but not so slammed that they’re guzzling coffee like there’s no tomorrow.

I chatted with my pal, John Gaitan, the graphic design maestro at The New Workforce. John has this incredible knack for keeping his team jazzed up and zen. So, how does he do it? Let me share some golden nuggets from our chat.

Getting Personal: The Heart of the Matter

John’s a big believer in getting to know his team personally. He’s not just their boss; he’s like that cool uncle who knows all your hobbies. John makes it a point to have regular one-on-ones, but they’re not your typical snooze-fest meetings. He also asks about their weekend plans, the latest Netflix binge, and career aspirations.

  • Chit-chat and Check-ins: He uses these casual catch-ups to understand what makes each designer tick.
  • Mission: Tailor-Made: John’s a fashion designer for workloads, crafting tasks that suit each team member’s style and growth goals.

Shapeshifting Roles: Keeping It Fresh and Exciting

In John’s world, a job title isn’t a one-size-fits-all label. It’s more like a superhero cape that changes colors and powers depending on who’s wearing it.

  • Role Roulette: The graphic design world is as fickle as fashion trends. So, John’s constantly tweaking roles to keep things fresh.
  • Never Stop Learning: John’s team has something like a ‘skill of the month’ club. It keeps them on their toes and eager to dive into work every day.

The Tightrope Walk: Deadlines Meet Well-being

Ah, deadlines. Can’t live with ’em, can’t get anything done without ’em. John’s got this tightrope walk down to an art. He’s like a circus performer, balancing project timelines on one hand and his team’s sanity on the other.

  • Juggling Act: He uses fancy project management tools (think digital crystal balls) to monitor who’s doing what and when.
  • Talk It Out: John’s team has this rule: if you feel swamped, shout it out. It’s all about keeping the lines of communication wide open.

So, What’s the Big Secret?

After I chatted with John, it hit me. The secret sauce to keeping a team engaged isn’t some mysterious, mystical formula. It’s pretty straightforward.

  • Know Your Team: Really know them. Their dreams, their quirks, their pet peeves.
  • Make Work Personal: Align tasks with what excites each person. It’s like matching your playlist to your mood.
  • Keep Talking: Create a space where everyone feels comfortable sharing their thoughts.

In the end, it’s all about striking that perfect balance. You want a team that’s buzzing with energy, not burning out. So, give these tips a whirl, and watch your team thrive in the most fantastic ways!

About Kraig Kleeman

Kraig Kleeman is a highly successful entrepreneur, author, and showrunner. If his accomplishments and aspirations were to draw inspiration from natural icons, he could be described as a fusion of Elon Musk’s visionary approach to business and Mick Jagger’s electrifying stage presence. He possesses keen business acumen and a flair for captivating performances that awe audiences.

Kraig’s entrepreneurial spirit is boundless, as evidenced by his track record of founding a tech company and taking it from nothing to $30 million in sales under four years. His newest venture, The New Workforce, is growing by triple digits, quarter over quarter. While some may liken his abilities to a Midas touch, others prefer to think of it as transforming companies into profitable ventures instead of turning things into gold!