Road-Tripping to Success: How Travel Is Revolutionizing Brand Marketing

By Kraig Kleeman


Let’s chat about something buzzing in the marketing world lately. It’s about packing your bags, hitting the road, and, believe it or not, doing some top-notch marketing while you’re at it. This isn’t your typical talk about billboards or TV ads. No, we’re diving into how travel—yes, the kind with road trips, airplane meals, and Insta-worthy sunsets—is reshaping the way businesses connect with people like you and me.

The Journey to Storytelling

Remember the last time you scrolled through your social media feed and saw a friend’s travel post that made you go, “Wow, I wish I was there”? That’s precisely the vibe businesses are aiming for. But instead of posting selfies, they’re teaming up with folks who know their way around a camera and a hashtag—think influencers and gig workers who are always on the move. They’re not just showing off a product; they’re telling a story where the product plays the hero in an adventure. It’s natural, raw, and something a glossy magazine ad can rarely compete with.

Who’s Leading the Pack?

You’ve got all sorts of brands jumping on this bandwagon. Tech companies send influencers to off-the-grid locations to show how their gadgets can survive the wild. Travel gear brands outfit nomads with the latest luggage to trek across continents. Even cozy bed-and-breakfasts are getting in on the action, inviting travelers to capture the essence of a weekend getaway. The goal? To make you feel like you’re part of the journey and to show you that their product is your perfect travel companion.

Show Me the Money: What’s the Deal with Pay?

Let’s talk business. The paycheck for these globe-trotting gigs can vary as much as your local weather forecast. For a quick weekend jaunt, an influencer might pocket anywhere from $500 to $5,000, depending on how many followers are double-tapping their posts. But if we’re talking about a month-long escapade through exotic locales, the figure can skyrocket to between $10,000 and $50,000. These aren’t just random numbers; they reflect the effort and creativity required to weave compelling stories around a brand while hopping from one city to another.

Keeping It Real

In this game, authenticity is the name of the game. It’s not just about finding someone with a gazillion followers. It’s about matching a brand with a storyteller who genuinely loves the product and what it stands for. When there’s a real connection, it shines through the content, making followers sit up and take notice. It’s about creating moments that feel as real to the person watching from their phone as they do to the one capturing them.

Wrapping It Up: Where Do We Go from Here?

As we look down the road, it’s clear that travel and marketing are on an exciting journey together. It’s about stepping out of the traditional advertising box and exploring the world as a canvas for storytelling. For businesses ready to take the plunge, the rewards can be as vast as the horizons they’re encouraging us to explore. And for someone who lives and breathes branding and HR, like yours truly, it’s thrilling to see how these authentic connections can transform a brand in the eyes of the wanderlust-stricken consumer.

So, whether you’re a brand manager, an influencer, or someone who loves a good travel story, the message is clear: Pack your bags. In the marketing world, the journey is just as important as the destination. Let’s make those miles count!

About Kraig Kleeman

Best-selling author Kraig Kleeman is the founder and CEO of Z-Branding, the world’s greatest CEO Branding methodology. Z is designed to mold public perception, bolster investor confidence, and inspire brand loyalty. At 29, Kraig founded his first company, Express Direct. He grew it from zero to $30 million in annual sales in less than four years. Kraig successfully exited by managing a strategic acquisition with E-Machines, funded by the Howard Vollum Growth Fund. Due to his continued entrepreneurialism, Kraig has since founded three additional startups and shared the stage with President George W. Bush, Prime Minister Tony Blair, and U2’s Bono. Kraig’s entrepreneurial spirit is boundless.